Kitchen Design Jobs Brighton, CO 80601

Kitchen Design Jobs Brighton, CO 80601

Are you looking for Kitchen Design Jobs in Brighton, CO 80601? German Kitchen Center has been Ranked as a "Top Work Place" by The Schneps Media and has been offering new Kitchen Design Jobs in Brighton, CO 80601.

  • Leicht Kitchens - image
  • Team 7 Kitchens - image
  • Charles Yorke Kitchens - image
  • German Kitchen
  • Modern Kitchen
  • Modern Kitchen

Welcome to German Kitchen Center, featuring award-winning innovative contemporary kitchens in Brighton, CO 80601. Discover the unparalleled luxury and innovation of Europe's finest brands, LEICHT and Team 7, renowned for redefining modern living.

Step into a world where form meets function in perfect harmony. At German Kitchen Center, we bring you sleek, cutting-edge designs tailored to your lifestyle, blending timeless aesthetics with advanced craftsmanship. Whether you're seeking a minimalist masterpiece or a bold statement for your home, our curated collections promise to inspire. Explore the possibilities and transform your kitchen into the centerpiece of your living space.

  • Leicht Kitchens - image
  • Team 7 Kitchens - image
  • Charles Yorke Kitchens - image

German Kitchen Center is a leading interior design service provider that offers transformative solutions. Our objective is to provide cost-efficient and efficient solutions to households as well as businesses. We use leading European brand products that give a world-class feel in style and luster.

Our work begins with the assessment of a job site - be it a home or a showroom. Our experts inform the client about the various options that are available and how the result will look like. Our commitment is to deliver the best under the circumstances. After the confirmation of the client, our objective is to complete the work at the earliest to free up the site for the client’s usage.


POSITION:Interior Designer
$45,926 per year
40 hours per week
LOCATION:450 Seventh Avenue (#1408)
New York, NY 10123
JOB DUTIES:Plan, design kitchens and related interior environments and physical layouts using cabinets and design products from Nobilus, LEICHT and Team 7.
APPLY:Mayan Metzler - President


POSITION:Interior Designer
$60,486 per year
40 hours per week
LOCATION:450 Seventh Avenue (#1408)
New York, NY 10123
JOB DUTIES:Plan, design kitchens and related interior environments and physical layouts using cabinets and design products from Nobilus, LEICHT and Team 7.
APPLY:Mayan Metzler - President

We are committed both to our clients and employees. The growth of our company is the marker for our excellent customer service. We have won the Schneps Media Top Workplaces award for 2021 which demonstrates the positive working atmosphere in our organization. This recipient of the award is chosen by the collective feedback of the employees. That tells a lot! Winning this award amidst the raging pandemic also tells about the commitment that we have towards our coworkers.

Interior designers are creative people, and they need workplaces that respect their creativity while providing them ample chances to grow. We believe in creating an atmosphere where the employee feels valued, engaged, and, satisfied. This is not an easy job. But we make it possible through our direct connections with the employees.

We are committed to excellence and expect the same from our employees as well. We walk all the way with our employees and ensure to provide them an environment that helps them grow as well.

All this must have got you excited to be a part of our extended family. We are looking for interior designers and logisticians at various posts and locations in our company. If you think we are a good match check our job openings listed here and connect with us today.

For more informaion about our Kitchen Design Jobs in Brighton, CO 80601 contact German Kitchen Center at (888) 209-5240.
German Kitchen Center - Your trusted place for Kitchen Design Jobs in Brighton, CO 80601

Kitchen Design Jobs Brighton, CO 80601
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GKC is set up to do all our work online

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